
What is sponsoring?
Sports sponsorship is the financial or material support given to an event, federation, sports team or athlete by an advertising partner in exchange for various forms of visibility and collaboration. The brand using sports sponsorship most often wishes to benefit from the visibility of the event or athlete in terms of media exposure. In the case of a sporting event, this visibility is generally obtained through the more or less conventional advertising media present at the event. For a team or an athlete, it’s often the clothing and accessories that serve as the brand’s medium of visibility during broadcasts or press coverage of the event.
In the case of sports sponsorship, the advertiser also seeks to benefit from image effects on its brand, based on the values associated with the sport, the team or the athlete benefiting from the sponsorship action. Sports sponsorship is also used and relayed internally to promote employee cohesion and motivation.
Why join the Volero Business Club?
By joining the Volero Business Club, you’ll be associating your image with that of a professional, dynamic club, but also with an ambitious project, focused on the very highest level, performance and youth. Volero Le Cannet also promotes values shared by your company (team spirit, surpassing oneself, tolerance, respect, solidarity…), with real objectives and a real national and European ambition.
By joining the Volero Business Club, you’ll not only be able to connect with your business contacts over a high-level volleyball match, but also meet new business opportunities. You’ll also be able to take part in our various partner events organized throughout the season (afterworks, breakfasts, partner tournaments, etc.).
How much is the tax advantage?
L’article 39-1-7° du Code général des impôts dispose que « Le bénéfice net est établi sous déduction de toutes charges, celles-ci comprenant, sous réserve des dispositions du 5, notamment, les dépenses engagées dans le cadre de manifestations de caractère philanthropique, éducatif, scientifique, social, humanitaire, sportif, familial, culturel ou concourant à la mise en valeur du patrimoine artistique, à la défense de l’environnement naturel ou à la diffusion de la culture, de la langue et des connaissances scientifiques françaises, lorsqu’elles sont exposées dans l’intérêt direct de l’exploitation… ». La dépense de parrainage réalisée est donc directement déductible du résultat de l’entreprise dès lors qu’elle respecte les conditions générales de déductibilité des charges. Le gain fiscal obtenu est égal au montant de votre dépense de parrainage multipliée par votre taux d’IS.